May 30th – June 2nd 2024: Professional and ethical challenges in medicine during wartime – presentations and texts

Presentations and texts of the HLKD and FEAMC symposium “Professional and ethical challenges in medicine during wartime”, held in Ðakovo and Vukovar Croatia, May 30 – June 2, 2024. This page will regularly be updated.

Abstract bookPDF Abstract Book
Introduction to the symposium
Rok Čivljak
Hrvatsko Katolicko Lijecnicko Drustvo President
PDF Introduction – Civljak
Organization of Healthcare During the Croatian Homeland War
Rok Čivljak
Hrvatsko Katolicko Lijecnicko Drustvo President
PDF Organization of Healthcare – Civljak
Medical Triage Principles in Wartime and Pandemic Scarcity: a Catholic Perspective
Frans J. van Ittersum, Secretary General of FEAMC
PDF Scarcity in Wartime and Pandemic – Catholic perspective – van IttersumPDF Medical triage principles – Catholic perspective – van Ittersum
Organization of the Surgical Service During the Homeland War
Ivica Grkovic, Mihovil Biocic, Vedran Radonic
PDF Surgical service – Biočić-Radonić-Grković
The Impact of Armed Conflict on the Development and Global Spread of Antibiotic Resistance
Nicola Petrosillo
PDF Antiobiotic Resistance Petrosillo
Challenges of Pastoral Care During Wartime in Ukraine
Ihor Boyko
PDF Challenges of Pastoral Care during wartime in Ukraine – Boyko
Challenges of Pastoral Care During Wartime in Ukraine
Mykhaylo Plotsidem
PDF Challenges of Pastoral Care during wartime in Ukraine – Plotsidem
The Testimony of the Albanian People During the Kosovo War
Msgr. Simon Kulli
PDF Kosovo war – Simoni Kulli
Possible Impact of Diplomacy during Wartime: Experiences from the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ukraine
Anica Djamic
PDF Diplomacy – Djamic
The Role of Catholic Pharmacists in Responding to the Croatian Homeland War
Andrea Koščec, Mirjana Vrsalović, Ines Buhač
PDF Catholic Pharmacists Homeland War – Koščec
Care for the Displaced and Refugee Children During the War in Croatia
Darko Richter
PDF Care for the displaced and refugee children – Richter
Psychological and Psychiatric Problems of Children in War: Experience from Croatia
Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja
PDF Psychological – Psychiatry – Children – Koijan Hercigonja
Infant Feeding in Wartime: Professional and Ethical Challenges
Irena Zakarija Grkovic
PDF Infant feeding – Zakarija-Grković
Military MedicalService in Peace Keeping Missions and Multinational Military Operations During War Conflicts
Ruzica Pavic-Kevric, Sime Kevric
PDF Military Medical Services Missions – Pavic-Kevric
The Role of Schools of Medicine During the Croatian Homeland War Elena JelavićPDF The role of schools of medicine during the Croatian Homeland War – Jelavić
What can Medical Journal Editors do during War?
Matko Marušić
PDF What can Medical Journal Editors do during War – Marušić
Catholic doctors in wartime and peacetime serving the Gospel
Vincenzo Defilippis, President of FEAMC
PDF Catholic Doctors Wartime Peacetime – Defilippis

Pictures and videos of this meeting are presented at the HKLD website:
May 30th 2024, Arrival, Feast of Corpus Christi at the Đakovo Cathedral
May 31st 2024, First Conference Day in Ðakovo
June 1st, 2024, Second Conference Day in Vukovar
June 1st, 2024, Second Conference Day in Ilok
June 2nd, 2024, Farewell Reception by Archbishop Đuro Hranić
June 2nd, 2024, Acknowledgment of the HKLD President Prof. Rok Čivljak
