COMECE on EP resolution on abortion: “no to higher ideological barriers and polarization, we must work for more unity among Europeans”


In a statement released on Friday 8 July 2022, Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), regrets the adoption of a new resolution on abortion by the European Parliament. “We must work for more unity among Europeans, not to create higher ideological barriers and polarization”.

Abortion USA

Regarding the United States Supreme Court decision that modified the 1973 legal position Roe v. Wade on the issue of abortion, the Pontifical Academy for Life presents a statement.

COMECE on “Global threats to abortion rights”


In view of the discussion scheduled for today, Wednesday 8 June 2022, in the European Parliament under the title “Global threats to abortion rights: the possible overturn of abortion rights in the US by the Supreme Court”, the Secretary General of COMECE, Fr Manuel Barrios Prieto, has made a declaration.

FEAMC Presidency Statement on war in Ukrain


FEAMC strongly condemns Russia’s inexcusable and violent aggression against the Ukrainian people and stands by the Ukrainian Catholic doctors, their families, the Greek Catholic Church and the Roman Latin Church, and all Ukrainian citizens, believers and non-believers alike.