Hope does not disappoint
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for XXXIII World Day of the Sick: “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5), but strengthens us in times of trial
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for XXXIII World Day of the Sick: “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5), but strengthens us in times of trial
General Assembly of FEAMC, organized each four years. In this General Assembly, the new Executive Committee of FEAMC will be elected.
Important: Those who intend to participate in the Jubilee of the Sick and Health Care Workers Vatican program on April 5th and April 6th, 2025, have to register themselves, at the website of the Jubilee 2025.
The day before the Vatican Jubillee of the Sick and Health Care Workers meeting, FEAMC will organize a meeting of inspiration and reflection for health care workers.
Christmas message of Vincenzo Defilippis, FEAMC President in the last year of his presidency.
Interview with members of Dutch Catholic Associations on the development of the euthansia practices in the Netherlands over the last decades.
Nowadays, modern medicine tends to concentrate a great deal on the physical dimension of the person, rather than considering them in their entirety and uniqueness.
Today in Rome, Feamc President Vincenzo Defilippis and Fiamc President Bernard Ars met for an exchange of views on the future prospects of their respective federations of Catholic doctors in a constructive dialogue and in an atmosphere of truth.
Workshop of the Saint André International Center for Ethics and Integrity.