Symposium of the Belgian Medical Association Saint Luke.
In his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites us to go to the periphery. Certain groups of patients are not always receiving the right care.
What more can we do, as doctors and healthcare providers, for refugees, the isolated elderly, the terminally ill and patients with chronic psychiatric disorders?
Let us be inspired by the Holy Father Damiaan De Veuster, who was fully committed to leprosy patients in Molokai, and ask his intercession for our medical practice. Let us ask him to bless our work of caring for people at the edges.
Prof. Anja Declercq
Sociology, director LUCAS, Leuven
‘People at the edge of our society anno 2024’
Prof. Laura Rizzero
Department of Philosophy University of Namur
‘Can caring for the most vulnerable make us happier (or more human)?’
Fr. Bert Vanderhaegen
Chief chaplain of UZ Gent
‘Hospital chaplaincy: being a listening ear and bringing Light into difficult situations for patients and staff’
Baroness Hilde Kieboom
Sant’ Egidio community
‘Care for the homeless at Kamiano, Antwerp’
Prof. Dr Benoit Beuselinck
Oncologist UZ Leuven
‘Finding meaning when one is ill’
Mr. François Trufin,
Director of a nursing home (Petites soeurs des pauvres, Belgium)
‘Elderly people, sentinels of eternity’
Fr Ferry Indrianto
Congregatio Sacrorum Cordium
‘Saint Father Damien, inspiring example for care anno 2024’
Speech by healthcare referent at Belgian bishops’ conference.
Eucharist in St Anthony’s Chapel, Tomb Chapel of Saint Damien, Leuven