Article 1: The European Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations is constituted by the associations of catholic physicians existing in European countries that are members of International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC).
Article 2: The registered office of the FEAMC is fixed at Rome at Via della Conciliazione n.10.
Article 3: The aims of the FEAMC are the general aims of the FIAMC adapted to the needs of the members of the FEAMC, more particularly:
– To coordinate the efforts of the Catholic medical associations in the study and spread of Christian principles throughout the medical profession in general;
– To encourage in the European countries the development of Catholic medical associations in order to assist the catholic physicians in their moral and spiritual development as well as in their technical advancement;
– To assist the Church in Its pastoral work among healthcare workers;
– To promote the development of health care in underdeveloped countries and deprived areas;
– To establish an information and counselling service for the study of bioethics under its theoretical and practical aspects;- To deepen a culture of solidarity and welcome for every moment of life, notably towards the weakest;
– To increase public awareness of the importance of the protection of the physical, social, and psychic environment for the complete development of man;
– To follow vigilantly the debates of supra-national European organizations as regards bioethics, professional ethics, healthcare, and let its position be known every time the Christian viewpoint must be remembered.
Article 4: The means of action of the FEAMC are:
a) the organization of periodic European conferences;
b) the exchange of information notably in the form of a bulletin;
c) all other means the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, or the President may decide.
Article 5:
a) The FEAMC is open to all the European national associations of catholic physicians having approved their own statutes by the National Conference of Bishops. Their request for membership, addressed to the Secretary-general and to the President, will be submitted for approval to the next Executive Committee meeting which will give a decision at the majority of the delegates, present or represented.
b) The catholic medical associations that are not national associations will be admitted on the same conditions but at the majority of the two-thirds of the delegates, present or represented.
c) Non-European associations of catholic doctors having accepted the present statutes can request their admission to the FEAMC. Their request, having been submitted for acceptance to the Executive Committee of FIAMC, will be submitted also to the next General Assembly which will take a decision at the majority of the two-thirds of the delegates, present or represented.
d) Medical associations asking for admission to the FEAMC will have to include with their request:
– a copy of the statutes of their association approved by the National Conference of Bishops;- the written acceptance of the purposes of the FEAMC;- the number of members of their association;
– the approbation of the ecclesiastical authority of the country (National Episcopal Conference, if it is existing);
– the demonstration that they are members of FIAMC.
Article 6: The General Assembly is composed of the delegates of the member associations. Each member association has as many delegates as it has votes. The number of votes is determined as follows:-10 to 100 members: 1 vote-101 to 500 members: 2 votes- 501 to 2 000 members: 3 votes- more of 2 000 members: 4 votes.If several associations belong to a same country, the number of votes each of them is entitled to will be determined by the General Assembly. The total number of votes attributed to a country must not exceed 4.
Article 7: The Executive Committee is composed of:
a) – a President, – two or several Vice-Presidents,- a Secretary General,- a Treasurer,- three or several Members.
b) The Members are officially appointed by the Executive Committee of each member association. There cannot be among them more than one representative of the same association. Each representative may be accompanied or represented by a substitute, who is only entitled to speak and vote in the holder’s absence and duly commissioned by his association.
c) The President is elected for a four years term by the General Assembly among the members having applied at least three months before the General Assembly. There cannot be among them more than one representative of the same country,
d) The Secretary-General and the Treasurer are appointed by the General Assembly on proposal of the Executive Committee.
e) The Vice-presidents are appointed by the Executive Committee.
Article 8: Member associations pay a contribution, the amount of which is fixed by the General Assembly.
Article 9: The original text of the statutes is in French and translated into English. Official translations in others languages may be done according to the needs.
Article 10: All amendments to the present statutes must be approved by a General Assembly, by the majority of the two-thirds of the delegates, present or represented, on the condition that the text of amendments has been submitted by the Secretary-general to the member associations at least three months before the meeting of the General Assembly.
Article 11: An Ecclesiastical Assistant is appointed by the Ecclesiastic Counselor of FIAMC from three names proposed by the Executive Committee. He is “de jure” member of the Executive Committee. His task is to collaborate with the ethical and doctrinal reflection of the FEAMC and its members.
Article 12: The General Assembly elects from national association delegates its two representatives to the executive committee of the FIAMC.
Article 13: If an association having several votes is represented in the General Assembly by a fewer number of delegates than its number of votes, the delegates present use the total number of votes to which their association is entitled.
Article 14: An association can be represented with the totality of its votes by another association. An association present cannot represent more than one missing association.
Article 15: The General Assembly is presided over by the President. It meets at least every 4 years. It also meets if half of the member associations request it. It proceeds to all nominations by secret ballot.
Article 16: The Executive Committee is presided over by the President. It meets at least twice a year. Its decisions are taken by the majority of votes. In case of equal division, the president has a casting vote. Each member can represent a missing one.
Article 17: The President represents the FEAMC. He directs the FEAMC according to the directives of the General Assembly. In case of absence, he is replaced by a Vice-president. In case of death or resignation he is replaced by the longest serving vice-president until the designation by the Executive Committee of a temporary President among the Vice-presidents.
Article 18: The Secretary General directs the secretariat of the FEAMC. He ensures relationships with member associations and with the FIAMC. He presents an annual report to the Executive Committee of which he is the secretary. His duties include the writing and the administration of the Bulletin.
Article 19: The Treasurer ensures the return of the member associations contributions. He administers the funds of the FEAMC and makes a report every year to the Executive Committee.
Article 20: Present Statutes were approved by the General Assembly of FEAMC on the 28th October 2017.