Catholic physicians in Kyiv-Ukrain reflect on the Gospel of Life

Glory to Jesus Christ!

“Man’s life comes from God, is His gift, His image and reflection, a part of His life-giving breath. Therefore, God is the only Master of this life: man cannot arrange it. God Himself reminds Noah of this after the flood: “From every person I will demand (for) human life” (Genesis 9:5). The biblical text in this place emphasizes that the basis of the sanctity of life is God and His creative action: “For in the image of God man was created” (Genesis 9:6).

Today, in the parish of Three Holy Hierarchs in Brovary, at the regular meeting of Kyiv Department of Ukrainian Catholic Medical Association, the encyclical of Pope John Paul 2 “Evangelium Vitae” was discussed. The meaning of human life, human dignity, respect and love for every human life are the main components of the content of the encyclical. Respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is proclaimed. The inadmissibility of abortion, euthanasia, contraception, surrogate motherhood, etc. is emphasized.

Support and care of the elderly is extremely relevant today. It is important to nurture respect for the dignity of the elderly, especially the most vulnerable, infirm and needy. Old age rejoices in respect and is surrounded by honor (cf. 2 Mak. 6:23). The righteous does not ask to be freed from old age and its burden; on the contrary, he prays like this: “For you are my hope, Lord – the Lord is my hope from my youth. […] Even to old age and gray hair – do not leave me, O God, until I tell about your arm to this generation, to all who come – about your power” (Ps. 71 [70], 5,18) . The Messianic era is envisioned as a time when “there will be no more […] an old man who will not reach his age” (Is. 65:20).

The issue of moral choice, way of thinking, sensitivity to one’s own conscience is very important. Our task, as Christian doctors and all people of good will, is to comprehensively help preserve the life and health of our patients, especially the needy, the destitute, and the lonely. The encyclical is especially relevant for the Ukrainian people, who are suffering from russian aggression. Medical workers are called to nurture respect for human life, human dignity, even in this difficult time of the war.

The rapid development of technology should not negate the value of humanity and relationships. The “Evangelium Vitae” appeals to everyone’s conscience, encouraging them to overcome darkness and death with the life and light of the Risen Christ.

He introduced us to the encyclical of Fr. Vitalii Hrabatyn, sharing the teachings of the Church and his own thoughts.
We sincerely thank father Vitalii for an interesting and meaningful report.
We sincerely thank Fr. Oleh Panchynyak for his comprehensive assistance.

We thank God and Ukrainian Armed Forces for the opportunity to live and develop freely.

Thank God for everything!
