EU Bishops in view of the 2024 elections: “For a responsible vote promoting Christian values and the European project”

In view of the elections for the European Parliament to be held on 6-9 June 2024, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) issues on Wednesday, 13 March 2024, a statement inviting all citizens, especially Catholics, to prepare for the elections and vote responsibly “promoting Christian values and the European project”

“We know that the European Union is not perfect and that many of its policy and legal proposals are not in line with Christian values and with the expectations of many of its people, but we believe  – state the EU Bishops – that we are called to contribute and improve it with the tools democracy offers us” .

“It is our responsibility to make the best possible choice in the coming elections”, they continue, also considering the challenging and uncertain times Europe and the world are living.

With this statement, the Bishops of COMECE reiterate their support to the European project for “a Europe united in diversity, strong, democratic, free, peaceful, prosperous and just for which – they continue – we feel ownership”.

This message is also addressed to young people, many of whom will vote for the first time. “We encourage young people to exercise their vote in the coming European elections and so construct a Europe that assures their future and does justice to their genuine aspirations”, the statement reads.

The Bishops also encourage young European Catholics who feel the call to engage in politics to “prepare themselves well, both intellectually and morally, to contribute to the common good in a spirit of service to the community”.

The statement was signed by all Bishops delegated by the EU Episcopates to the Assembly of COMECE.